Water Sifu #4 – Water Distribution System Overview

Distribution SystemWater Sifu Episode 4: Distribution System Overview
(click to listen in a new window)

This episode of The Water Sifu is going to talk about water distribution systems, giving you a brief overview of how the whole process works.  We’re going to talk about sources of supply, and how water gets from that source to your tap.  We’re also going to talk about different types of system designs, system storage, system pressure, and how water systems work in areas of different elevations.

As discussed during the show, while talking about asbestos-cement mains, I have provided a link to an EPA page concerning asbestos in drinking water here.

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One Response to Water Sifu #4 – Water Distribution System Overview

  1. Johnpaul says:

    Ty, thanks for being here. I’m currently studying for the D1 test in March. I could use a little guidance in terms of what I basically need to know to pass the test. Any suggestions would be most appreciated. Thanks.

    Johnpaul McIntosh-King

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